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Referencer: Byggeteknik
- Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority. 2008. Bygningsreglement 2008. Danish Building Regulations 2007. Copenhagen. [with amendments]. [In Danish] http://www.ebst.dk/br08.dk/BR07/0/54/0
- Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority. 1995. Bygningsreglement 1995. Danish Building Regulations 1995. Copenhagen. [with amendments]. [In Danish] http://www.ebst.dk/BR95_12/0/54/0
- Olesen, J.E., et al. 2004. Jordbrug og klimaændringer - samspil til vandmiljøplaner. Tjele: Danmarks JordbrugsForskning (DJF rapport. Markbrug ; nr.109-2004). [In Danish] http://www.vmp3.dk/Files/Filer/Rap_fra_t_grupper/Jordbrug-og-Klimaraendringer-13-09-2004.pdf
- Ministry of Transport. 2005. Handlingsplan for en fornyet energispareindsats. Energibesparelser og marked. Transport- og Energiministeriet. [In Danish] http://www.ens.dk/graphics/Publikationer/Energipolitik/TRM_handlingsplan_web.pdf
- United Nations. 1998. Kyoto protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate change. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/convkp/kpeng.pd